Seafood salad

Ensalada vieiras langostinos marisco topgel oblanca
Ingredients for 4 people
  • 16 cooked prawns
  • 4 scallops
  • Olive oil
  • 1 bag of salads, or canons
  • Soy sauce
  • 250 g of gulas
  • Spring onion
  • Bell pepper
  • Cooked egg
  • Parsley
  • Vinegar
  • Pinions

1. Cook the prawns, or buy them already cooked.

2. Open the scallop and take out the meat.

3. In a pan put a little oil and add the scallop meat to make a little. When it is almost done add a few drops of soy sauce. Take out and reserve.

4. Also pass the gulas a little by the pan, with very little oil to make them richer.

5. Vinaigrette: we have several ways to prepare the vinaigrette. For this we will follow the following steps:

  • Chop the chives, the pepper, the boiled egg and the parsley all very little.
  • Add oil, vinegar and salt. The amounts of oil and vinegar are usually 1 measure of oil per vinegar average, but we must try and make the mixture that we like the most.

6. Serve: put the already selected salad in the base of the dish, in the center the scallop meat together with the 4 boiled and peeled prawns surrounding the scallop. Put the gulas on top. Finish with the vinaigrette and distribute some pine nuts on top.

Flagship product

We offer you TOPGEL boiled and peeled prawns:

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Nutrition & well-being


Nutritional Properties and Healthy Benefits

It stands out its high value in protein, ideal for the correct muscular formation and its low fat contribution.

  • It should be noted its iron content, ideal to combat iron deficiency anemia.
  • It has omega 3 fatty acids, but you should also take into account its contribution to cholesterol, so it should be consumed moderately.