Ingredients for 4 people

1 Sea bream of 1 Kg.

2 potatoes, lemon, onion, breadcrumbs

Olive oil, salt, white pepper

Fragrant fine wine


1. We ask the fishmonger to clean the bream for us and leave it whole.

2. We peel the potatoes, and make them into thick slices, we will fry them a little first. Only a little like this is done later with the sea bream.

3. We put in a baking dish a bed with the fried potatoes, and on top the onion cut into thin slices, sprinkle with salt and pepper.

4. We make some transversal cuts on the bream on the back to put the lemon wedge, we put it on the bed of potatoes, season the bream, sprinkle with a little oil, with the fine wine and a splash of lemon.

5. Sprinkle with the breadcrumbs and put in the oven preheating to 190 degrees more or less, for about 40 minutes, but always looking and watering the fish so that it does not dry out, you can add a little water, so that there is a little bit of sauce.

Flagship product

We offer sea bream sold by Oblanca.

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Nutrition & well-being


Nutritional Properties and Health Benefits​

The sea bream is an almost lean fish thanks to its low fat content and the lack of carbohydrates. Therefore, it is highly recommended for people on diets aimed at reducing weight. But beyond that, it is a food rich in nutrients.

It is a source of proteins of high biological value, necessary for the proper maintenance of our body in general and of the muscular system and the brain in particular.

Also, sea bream contains B complex vitamins, which allow the use of other nutrients, the proper functioning of the nervous system and the creation of defenses.

It also contains iron, necessary to combat anemia processes.