Ingredients for 4 people

2 Iberian pork tenderloins

Salt, pepper, honey, soy sauce

Virgin olive oil, brandy, port, garlic, parsley, onion, 1 Cayenne (optional) black peppercorns, Bovril meat broth Soy, cornstarch, flour, truffle Mushrooms Water


1. We put the sirloins to marinate in this mixture: salt, pepper, honey, soy sauce and Port the night before. Take them out of macerate and fry them whole in a frying pan and set aside.

2. Put oil in the casserole, chop the small onion and brown it very much without burning, add the crushed garlic and parsley at the same time, when it is golden brown, add the salt, the small chopped mushrooms, let it continue to brown, add a little flour, the port, the brandy, the black pepper, and a little water so that it does not stick to us, let it cook a little and crush all this a little, add more water and the meat stock, put a little of bovril to give it a little color and flavor, and the soy and let reduce the sauce that cooks well. Chop the small truffle and if we do not have the desired texture we can dilute a little cornstarch in cold water and add it, and cook until the desired thickness is achieved.

3. Cut the sirloin into rather fat slices, and cook very little in the sauce.

Flagship product

We offer you  Iberian pork sirloin marketed by Oblanca.

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Nutrition & well-being


Nutritional Properties and Health Benefits

 Its contribution in Vitamin B6, B12, Thiamine, Niacin and Rivoflavin stands out, all of them necessary to maintain and ensure that the tissues of our body are correctly healthy.

- It is also important to highlight its high content of iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium.

- This type of meat is especially necessary at the age of growth to promote proper development, also providing protein of high biological value.

- Its consumption is highly recommended for athletes, thanks to its high content of protein and B vitamins, which help to reduce tiredness and muscle fatigue.