Ingredients for 4 people

16 chicken fillets

Oil, 1 small onion, garlic, curry powder, white pepper, salt, white wine, coconut milk

1 golden apple

Poultry stock and water

  1. We cook the sirloins a little so that they do not dry out much, since then we will cook them a little in the sauce, put in a saucepan oil, add the chopped onion, leave slightly golden brown, add the chopped morning, sauté well, add the curry powder, salt and white pepper, wash with white wine and cook, add the poultry stock, the coconut milk. Let it cook for about 20 minutes over low heat, and depending on how dense the sauce is, add a little water to achieve the desired texture.
  2. Try, rectify what you may need and crush well with the mixer and go through the Chinese, so that we have a fine sauce.
  3. Finally put the sirloins in the sauce and let them cook a little so that they take on the flavor but do not overdo it.
Flagship product

We offer you chicken tenderloin marketed by Oblanca.


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Nutrition & well-being


Nutritional Properties and Health Benefits

Food present in the kitchen of any country and also very healthy, recommending its consumption by doctors and nutritionists.

    - Chicken has a tender texture and a very mild flavor, which can be easily combined with other foods and can be included in the diet of children from an early age, due to its easy digestion.

    - It is a lighter meat and easier to digest than red meat.

    - It has a high content of high quality proteins and essential proteins, while its caloric content is low.

    - Chicken meat is recommended in diets to lose weight, due to its low fat content.

    - The predominant fats in chicken are healthy (unsaturated), like linoleic acid that helps protect the heart.

    - It is recommended for people with high blood pressure due to its low sodium content.

    - Chicken also contains a wide variety of vitamins (A, B6, and B12), and minerals (iron, magnesium, zinc, and chromium).

    - It is an ideal source of energy and protein for athletes.